Hello and thanks for all the comments, also on msn and facebook! It is nice to hear from you all! I appreciate that!
I having a great time here! We just ate a fantastic dinner made by our chef Marc! He really do tasty and delicious food! Today we went to Surfgarage to buy surfboards, the rest of my roomates didnt bought anyone but I bought a 9,2feet longboard so now I am really excited about tomorrows surfing! It is expensive to rent boards here so I will go with this one for a while and then perhaps buy a shortboard when I am getting better. We have a very nice routine in the afternoon, surfing until the sunset, going back to lie in our outdoor jacuzzi, eat a lot of food on our balcony and then relax a bit before partying or sleeping.
I am looking forward to start the school on tuesday to hopefully meet some other nationalities. Yesterday we were at a birthday party with some locals who Sarah knows, it was pretty nice. But when we went out to a bar later it was so many Swedish people. We will see what happens, I will try my best to stay away from the swedish crowd :) We live close to the Hilton hotel and every friday at 8pm they have massive firework which we can look perfectly from our balcony, it is a sign for “now starts the weekend”.
I uploaded some pictures of our apartment and the view from our apartment in Gallery > Hawaii Sep-Aug 2008. Karel have a waterproof digitalcamera and Marc will probably buy a waterproof videocamera and then we can make some nice surfing pictures!
Time to sleep! Bye!