Tough week

This week is probably one of the toughest school week in my life… I went here to meet people, have a nice time and enjoy life :) And what happens…

monday: 1quizz(macro)
tuesday: 10problems homework(micro) + 1quizz and 1essay(com+culture)
wednesday: 1mid-term exam(macro) + 1midterm-exam(com skills)
thursday: 1mid-term exam(micro)
friday: nothing

The quizzes and homework matter because you get grades on them… But anyway I dont complain as much as I would have been doing at home, I am enjoying life, yeah! :) Now it is time to go to school to study for the last exam then I am going to have a wonderful weekend :) On friday it is “first friday of the month” which is a big event here!


Movie of the week! Gunvald Larsson

I spend some time on youtube today to find a good moveclip, but i couldnt find anyone that i am 100% satisfied with but this one is pretty cool. It is in Swedish and it is the best of gunvald larsson (Mikael Persbrandt), enjoy!

Sorry that you have to wait for the surfermovie, it will probably not come in a while so dont expect too much :) By the way, today I am celebration 1month on Hawaii!! Times goes fast like and arrow ;)

We bought a car!

Wiihoo! We bought a car! Just $500! Unfortunatly I got no picture of our cool car but I will upload a picture soon. It was our landlord who asked us if we wanted to buy a car from a friend of her so me and Karel went to Salt City and bought it! We all 4 in our apartment is sharing it, I think the insurance is going to be around $50/month but we are allowed to drive 30days without registration and insurance.

The car has a new cd-player, 105,1 is the hawaiian radio channel :) I didnt thought it would be so great with a car but it is super! We feel more like locals and can go to the nice beaches so convinient. Sarah just got a job in a surfshop so we can also burrow racks for free so we can bring our surfboard on the top of the car so we can go surfing wherever we like :)

This weekend we were at Northshore and to Sandy Beach.

I got 57pictures so far from my time in Hawaii…
Gallery(right hand upper corner) ->Hawaii Aug-Sep 2008

Soon it is also time for mid-term exams in school. Next week I will have 2 exams, 2 quizzes and 1 paper to write. I dont know why they give us so much to do! Anyway I guess it feels good to actually be learning something :P

This song should supposed to be one of the most popular songs on the northshore. I thought they would play more Jack Johnson here, but I havnt heard him so much yet.

Friday! – Firework from balcony!

Movie of the week is filmed from our balcony! Marc my roomate recorded it last friday… Today we took some pictures of it… It is really cool that we can see it every friday at 20:00 from our balcony :)

I just uploaded the movie on youtube and linked it in here so it may take some time for youtube to process the movie… Dont know really since it is the first time I uploaded something on youtube, how long time does it normally take?

homework and turtles

Hey everyone!

Life in Hawaii is getting serious :) We got plenty of homework and most of it is just reading a book and then get quizzes on it… Since I read so slowly in English it takes forever and it is so many other things which is more fun than studying but i try my best. Compared to Sweden it is more homework and the result from the homework also counts in the final grade. Attendence is also important to get good grades.

This Monday I saw my first turtle in my life it weight around 90kg and were 80years old(a chinese guy at the beach told me) they are supposed to become 230kg and 500years old. Cool animal!

I also went the second time to Northshore. This time the waves had become bigger but not as big they are going to get in the winter… At the beach Oakley, Volcom and other brands have houses were the surfers can live while they are practising. Jack Johnsson is also living there :)

This weekend we are thinking about going on a fishing trip but not sure yet.

Oohh, big news! The food court I have been talking about have 50% off the last 15min before they close… which means super cheap food! guess who has been there every evening? :)


Yesterday when we went out surfing we saw 2 sharks just 10-15meters away from us! Scary!! They were not as big as the shark in the movie bellow but still, scary…

This week it has been 2 sharks attacks on Hawaii, normally it is just 2-3shark attacks per year and every 7-10year someone dies from a sharkattack…

In Hawaii it is possible to do cage diving with sharks for around $120(800sek), I think I am going to do it :D

kempegreat roadtrip!

Oooo! I had a very long day today… woke up with a hangover or still drunk I dont know but anyway went out surfing to try get fit, then I had school 13:00-20:10, the last 3 hours in school we had no AC and the fan was out of order so it was unbelievable hot… so it is very nice to be at home now, just eaten and taking a shower, now I just need some sleep and then I am back on track again :)

On saturday I was not supposed to go out because we planned to make a roadtrip on Sunday, but we met some norwiegans and went to their party just 3 floor under us, it was 30 Norwiegen, 3 Americans and 2 Swedes there. It is strange to improve norwiegen in hawaii, make sense? I can almost understand now :P But it is crazy with all the scandinavien so this week I tried extra hard to get know some non-Scandinaviens… and it works quite well actually! wiihoo! Didnt flew half the globe to speak Swedish :) Dont understand me wrong, many of the Scandinaviens here are really great!

On Sunday we(me and my roomies) rented a jeep and drove around the island… it was really a nice trip! It looks much different on the countryside compared to Honolulu. We visited Sandy beach, Northshore and made some short stops to just look around.

Beautiful scenery!

Tomorrow I will try to get up really early to go out surfing, hopefully around 7am, because then I can get the best surfingspots(where the waves breaks first), it is hard get a lot of good waves to practise on when it is a lot of people out there.

hang loose :)

proof of residence / broken surfboard

Today we went to Ala Moana shoppingcenter to buy a Internet provider. Before we used our neighbours Internet but it is getting annoying that it doesnt work sometimes. In America you need a “proof of residence” to be able to get Internet. And of course they dont accept apartment contracts(always talking about their policies) and we dont have any electronic or gas bills which can proof that we live here. So the only way we are able to solve it is that Sarah goes to a Bank here in Honolulu and get a bank statement with our adress on it. So if Sarah wouldnt have lived with us it would have been impossible to get Internet here. The reason why they need the “proof of residence” is because we rent the Internet equitment from the company, we asked if we could pay a deposit but it was not possible according to their policies… yeye, not the best system but hopefully it will work out well so we have it next week…

Yesterday we went to the first friday of the month party in downtown Honolulu, it was fun, but as usual a lot of Scandinaviens! I wonder where all the Americans are? We were in a club which is called Nextdoor, and half of the club is outside, I like to have the sky as roof and it feels more fresch! :)

Here are two pictures with me and my broken surfboard… I havnt repaired it yet but I got all the things I need to repair it now… First I have to make the holes and surranding clean, then put on something that looks like glue in the holes and then put it in the sun for around 3 minutes so that it will get hard and finally use sandpaper to make it look good and become smoothly.

If someone would like to send me something(I do like presents:), my american adress is:

Anders Vastfalt
1684 Ala Moana Blvd.
Apartment 1052
Honolulu, Hawaii 96815


Friday – Surfermovie!

Unfortunately I destroyed my surfboard yesterday but I bought a repair kit today so I will try to repair it tomorrow, it is just 3 holes in it :) So while you waiting for my first surfing video which probably not will come this month I post a video of Laird Hamilton which is one of the best big wave surfers ever! Soo big waves! Unbelievable!