One of the wierdest cartoon ever made… some might like it, i dont know :)
fun at the pool
Karel made a movie today from when we were playing around at the pool! niceish! Well done Karel – Movie of the week!
2months left! big island! obama! shangri la!
A short update about what is going on here. Today 2months left on Hawaii… My roomate Marc friend from Sweden came here on saturday and explained to us how the weather is back in Sweden… It is good to get reminded about it so you can appreciate the time here better, be able to just walk around with shorts on, flip-flops, and take a swim in the blue whenever you like :)
Sue, thanks you so much for the birthday postcard, it was great! I have to start to write mine soon for to the winners in the math competetions! soon, soon…
The big island trip seems like so long time ago now but i have to finish my last part. The last day we went to Wapio valley and went with ATVs(fyrhjulingar) for a 3hour trip. It was so much fun! I drove just behind our young tourguide and we made small jumps and everything, sweet! We saw Hawaiis highest waterfall but also some smaller once were only the king and queen of Hawaii were able to take a bath before.
Obama won! not so much change yet but i think it will come, 20 of january maybe! I thought it would be more celebration here since obama grow up on Hawaii. In America they are making so much fun of Sarah Palins at the moment, it is fun but not really what i expected!
We went on a school trip to shangri la last friday… it is a islamic style house build by Doris Duke. Pretty cool but the guide were soo slow and we also had a security guard all the time around us, America fuck yeah!
School stuff: Last week I had a mid-term and a oral presentation and today one mid-term and on wednesday one more mid-term. But after that I will have “relaxing” time until december! :)
Over and out boy scout!
80s party, birthday, halloween
Sorry for the my late update my few readers :)
It has been a busy time with the Swedish 80´s party at lotus, the longest birthday in my life(yeah!) and crazy halloween party! The Swedish 80´s party was amazing, the mood of the people were so great, we all dressed up in 80´s clothes and danced to old good music until 4am :) everyone were so ugly, just as it is supposed to be at a 80s party…
To have birthday in a timezone 12hour from Sweden is pretty nice, people start to call in the evening before it actually was my birthday local time. First was Åsa on facebook, she is 19hours ahead, then Sweden and last but not least hawaii. We went to mooses(1dollar bar) and afterwards to dennys restaurant, i bought a cinnamon fried nacho plate with cream, chocolate sause and strawberries, tasty :) From my friend and classmate Jennell i got a nice tshirt with the text and picture saying “helping other people everywhere. hope”, thank you very much! Jonas Erik Magnusson made me a video which he posted on youtube i hope he dont mind me posting it here! Thanks Jönstedt!
Halloween is crazy in america! people dressed up as everything, joker, smurfs, facebook, traffic sign, cocusnutbikinigirls, pirates, pimps, starwars and whatever you can think about! I really liked it, me and karel dressed like scream and went around on the street scared people, of course just for fun.
Yesterday we went to the west coast of the island for the first time. The locals dont like the tourists so much there there, the beaches is really nice there and we were lucky to not get into troubles with any locals…
Tomorrow it is election day and i am so excited, i had my obama tshirt in school today and will have it tomorrow too, a lot of people comment the tshirt! “thats a nice shirt dude”! the end of the week we have a new president and it is going to be obama! yeah! :)